Regular dental check-ups are as important as scheduled vaccinations. We need to care about the health of our gums and teeth long before getting conscious of their impact on the aesthetic appeal of smiles, oral comfort or our overall health. Periodontist visits are recommended whether or not one appears to have any dental problems. It is good to build a relationship with a trusted periodontist so that one feels comfortable about future visits regarding teeth and Gum Disease Treatment.

Gum Disease Treatment INFORMATION

Both non-surgical and surgical gum therapy are available depending on specific dental conditions. The patients are made to understand the risks and benefits of the treatment, various corrective procedures including their treatment duration and cost, and methods for pain control before/after the procedure. The cost of the Gum Disease Treatment may vary from $500 for basic procedures to implant costs that can escalate into a couple of thousands of dollars.

Here’s a rundown of available dental makeover procedures at the periodontal disease.


It is imperative to maintain healthy dental routine at home, like

  1. Brushing and flossing at least twice a day, to prolong the beauty and life of your gums and teeth

  2. Practice chewing food cut into small pieces and chew thoroughly using both sides of your mouth to prevent gum chipping and shrinkage

  3. Clean gums and teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush and mild (not powdered) paste to avoid gum abrasion

  4. Stay away from too hot and spicy or extremely chilled food stuff

  5. Use of chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash and gum astringents is recommended as immediate relief to bad breath, inflammation, loosening or shrinkage of gums.

The panels of renowned, skilled and highly regarded NYC peridontists are here to help you get over your gum worries. Happy smiling and happy living!

From the time your first tooth appears to the time when it falls and permanent teeth show up till you age gracefully with your pearlies, you can either maintain your asset beautifully or stand to lose them through stubborn negligence.

Misaligned or cracked teeth, plaque and tartar build-up, gap-toothed smile, decay and discoloration of gums and teeth, less youthful-looking smile, severe gingivitis leading to permanent disfigurement of gums and teeth or age related challenges can not only have a fallout on your general health in the future, but also, lead to distorted expressions and low self-esteem.